Therapist Forum

Empowering Psychedelic Therapists:
Our new monthly support and study group

We are excited to announce the establishment of a groundbreaking initiative aimed at fostering a supportive and knowledgeable community for psychedelic therapists. As advocates of holistic healing and the responsible use of psychedelics, we understand the importance of continuous learning and professional growth in this transformative field. In line with this vision, we are launching a monthly Sunday evening peer support and study group, held via Zoom, exclusively for graduates of recognized psychedelic therapy courses who work or are about to work with these substances.

The importance of community and growth:

As the field of psychedelic therapy continues to evolve, it is essential for therapists to stay connected to like-minded professionals and stay abreast of the latest research, best practices, and ethical considerations. By creating a supportive environment, where participants can share experiences, discuss challenging cases and collaborate on research initiatives, we aim to improve the quality of care provided to clients and contribute to the expansion of this promising field.

Criteria for participation:

This group is intended to be a professional forum of therapists. That is why we have established specific eligibility criteria for potential applicants. To join the peer support and study group, individuals must meet the following requirements:

  • Completion of a recognized psychedelic therapy course: Prospective members must successfully complete a reputable training program specializing in psychedelic therapy. This includes MAPS training for MDMA-assisted therapy, KAP (ketamine-assisted psychotherapy) training, Medicinal Mindfulness training and their recipients. If you have undergone other training, please apply for consideration.
  • Working or about to work with the materials: this group is not a training group and is intended for professionals working in the field to consult and receive peer support. Therefore, participation is limited to those who already work with these substances legally and openly, are about to open a clinic or get a job in the field or are waiting for approval (for example MDMA) to start working and want to stay updated and connected.

Monthly agenda:

Our peer support and study group meetings will be held on the last Sunday of every month, starting at 8:00 p.m., and will last approximately two and a half hours. The sessions will be structured to offer a combination of interactive discussions, research, case studies and presentations on relevant topics in the field of psychedelic treatment. Guest speakers, including leading experts and researchers, will be invited from time to time to share their insights and experiences.

Confidentiality and Ethics:

To maintain the privacy and security of all participants, we adhere to a confidentiality code within the group. Because psychedelic therapy often involves sensitive and personal experiences, we want our members to feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and challenges openly while trusting that their discussions will remain within the confines of the group.

As we embark on this journey of growth and collaboration, we are excited to see the positive impact our community of skilled and compassionate psychedelic therapists will have on the lives of countless individuals seeking healing and transformation.


Introduction, group rules and notification methods

Who is the psychedelic therapist – a literature review about the training of therapists and recommendations for responsible and reliable psychedelic therapy


(Yom Kippur) – an alternative date will be chosen

The whole is greater than all its parts – preparation, journey and integration: differences and commonalities
29/10Filtering: by material, by personality, or something else entirely?
26/11Ethics and limits in psychedelic therapy
31/12Music, Set and Sting and the hidden co-therapists
28/1Cannabis as a tool for psychedelic therapy
31/3Set and setting and the therapeutic process

We look forward to embarking on this transformative journey with you

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